facebook comments set 100% percent width for facebook comments

Facebook Add comments

I wanted to set percentage width for facebook comments plugin.

I searched the web and i got the following information from stackoverflow.

What i previously had was the following

<div id="fb-root"></div>
<div class="fb-comments" data-href="http://vikku.info/programming/" data-num-posts="100" data-width="500"></div>

I was trying to set data-num-posts=’100%’ which was not working. and then change the above to the following

<div id="fb-root"></div>
<div class="fb-comments" data-href="http://vikku.info/programming/" data-num-posts="100" data-width="500" width="100%" style="width: 100%;"></div>

and then added the following style in the style section

/* for facebook width 100% */
iframe.fb_ltr { width:90% !important; }

That’s it. It is working. …

oh… after a few days of working with the above i added a like button. the above style affected the like button and i was wondering how to change the width to 100% without affecting the like button.
Then got this from stackoverflow. So i placed only the following and removed the styles specified above.

remove width=”100%” style=”width: 100%;” from <fb:comments tag and add only the following in the style. voila it works.

.fb-comments, .fb-comments iframe[style] {width: 100% !important;}

the above was used from this url http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7447483/how-to-make-facebook-comments-widget-a-fluid-width




One Response to “facebook comments set 100% percent width for facebook comments”

  1. esteban Zero Says:

    good tutorial my friend! you just missed this style,

    . fb_iframe_widget,. fb_iframe_widget span {
    width: 100%! important;

    but certainly the best I found, Greetings!

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